Where Was I?

Only one post in 2021? What kind of blog is this? Well, it’s the blog of an ADHDer who on April was still in quarantine feeling, “Everything seems so normal, that I forgot It Isn’t.”

So, before wrapping up “The Quarantine” chapter to open the 2022 with another one, here’s what’s new and what you can expect from the blog, my brain and I.

New structure

The blog is now structured in only three sections:

  • The Hyper Life: What is like living with ADHD, explained with personal anecdotes, tips and science facts; it’s the coaching book I cannot “just finish.” Comments on these pots will be highly appreciated.
  • Laly’s Blog: my story plus ADHD; it’s the novel slash script that I cannot “just finish.” Comments on these posts are encouraged.
  • Theorizing: Original analysis and metaphors on ADHD. These are the first pieces of the coaching book My B.Ed. claims me. (the degree is in some box, by the way) Raise your hand before living a comment.

But A Lot of Topics

On every post, you’ll find #hashtags (related topics); you can access the full list of topics from the top menu.

I couldn’t update all the posts to this date, so if you find “one post” under “strategies,” bear with me because there are a lot of posts with strategies.

See What I Did?

I’ve been blogging about blogging and coding at Laly.blog for a few years, and about music and pop culture at nkotb.blog for ten years; so, to develop this blog’s sections which could be so many! well, it was painful.

But! If it seems a lot, “shrink it.” So: three sections, tons of topics. Now I can do this. My brain could use a vacay though…

What’s the Tone Here?

I say “shit” and “fuck” very often. At the “Terms and Conditions” you agree that by visiting this site you’re 18 years and … read the Terms and Conditions. However, HOWEVER, I only say those words when I want to make a strong point; it’s part of my writing style.

Humor. Motivation. Sarcasm. If you think I’m being a bitch, please read between the lines; I am a sweetheart (I am on Ritalin)

English is not my native language and I’m learning it on my own; but I’ve gotten so much better at it! So, if you read something and go like, “huh?”, please bear with me; I am proof-reading every single post as I update the blog.

Real stories and facts. Everything I publish is based on real and personal anecdotes, and when there’s science information involved you can trust it comes from a good source. I quote the sources at the end of the posts, so you don’t click and leave before finish reading my cute posts. K? k…


Your input / opinion matters. So please, don’t be shy to leave your comment.

Rules on comments are stated at the Terms and Conditions.

Will I reply to the comments? Yes! (I owe some replies to this date; I’m on to it!)

How to Read This Blog

At each section, you’ll find a path to follow if you’re new here (and hey, Welcome!🤗)

Besides that, I’m working on a little dictionary about my life so you can catch up more quickly with Laly’s Blog (my untitled novel slash script). References to “Dr. K.”, “The Misses”, “The brain collapse,” they will all be detailed there.

How to Follow This Blog’s Updates

Blog posts will be shared through the Newsletter’s Posts, on the Facebook Page and my twitter account; you can also follow the blog with a WordPress account.

Blog updates, such us what I’ll be adding to the ADHD Guide and other goodies, will be shared on the newsletter.

Check out the Subscribe page for details 🙃

More stuff?

Bullets, please!

  • The ADHD Guide is a work in progress; 
  • the Patreon link is not available to this date; 
  • Am I going to post daily? Probably not, for now;
  • At what time am I going to post? Probably in the morning;
  • Do I have a plan? YES. And the first item is: “Laly, do not put pressure on your ADHD brain and simply take the first step, and then the next, and so on.”
  • Am I awesome? As much as you!

And… it is so hot right now here in Argentina where I got stuck due to the quarantine (38º / 100 f) that I feel my brain is melting so I’ll stop… right… here.

About Laly York

  • ADHD Latest Research and News | Ed. 24/03

    ADHD Latest Research and News | Ed. 24/03

    Books on ADHD for adults, women, children, couples, strategies to succeed. In latest research: self-esteem, the impact of acute aerobic exercise, disability acceptance and more. Four open access papers!

So what do you think?