The One About the Horse, Racism and Two Weeks Without my Mother
Day of quarantine #70. When it's just too much...
Day of quarantine #70. When it's just too much...
Day of quarantine #57. On the bigger challenge that the COVID-19 quarantine is for those of us with ADHD; fatigue syndrome ... and the biggest heartbreak... perhaps.
Day of quarantine #49. Contraband, corruption, protests, existentialism issues and no more cigarettes. The scene of Argentina's quarantine and a neurodiverse mind, updated.
Day of quarantine #42. What do we know about the COVID-19? Does it matter? Can we adapt our routines to feel normal; to cope with PTSD? If so, how?
Day of quarantine #38. How do adults with ADHD come up with new routines to cope with the quarantine? Dealing with lack of meds; stigma raises; updates from world.
Day of quarantine #35. Dry humor as usual, some info as required. A candid (odd, funny and neurodiverse) reflection on the 50th Earth Day
Day of quarantine #24. How to talk to elderly during the COVID-19 quarantine.
Day of quarantine #17. What future generations will know about the Covid-19 outbreak
Day of quarantine #14. How the quarantine affects a person with ADHD on methylphenidate treatment, and the things we say.