What You’re Reading About ADHD Could Be Dangerous
There is a lot of information online about ADHD, and many of it can hurt us or may not apply to us. How can we take care of ourselves?
There is a lot of information online about ADHD, and many of it can hurt us or may not apply to us. How can we take care of ourselves?
Finding our inner voice is one of our biggest challenges, specially for neurodivergents with ADHD; but, it's not that hard.
ADHD? Empower yourself with this letter, or give it to the neurotypical of your choice.
If having ADHD makes us struggle with reading from digital devices, are we entitled to new ADHD accommodations while taking courses online?
How to embrace being neurodivergent? How to live happily with ADHD without thinking it's an obstacule in our lives? Here's a start.
What happens when an ADHD brain wakes up at two in the morning, during the process of changing medication for ADHD and adjusting the daily routine.
For those of us with ADHD: while the COVID-19 quarantine is affecting not only us but our support system, what can we do to stay strong and thrive?
Fun, wisdom, lists to check, things to try; from a neurodivergent mind. We got this!
Being stuck in a profession that our ADHD brain doesn't like, can ruin our lives; blogging and coding helped me to do what I love while being my own boss.